
You have made a wise choice. We could say that you chose to take the red pill*: you are no longer sticking your head in the sand, but conscious that it's time to act.

Image credit: "Safety Key" by GotCredit. Shared under CC BY 2.0.

More and more people are concerned about their online presence and the safety of their accounts. Slowly but surely we added account after account, no longer capable of remembering unique passwords. As a direct result, many of us have reused passwords at some point in our lives (yep, me too). Unfortunately, only after choosing a weak password, like password123, reusing passwords is the worst thing you can possibly do.

But we're only human, aren't we? We have a limited capacity of remembering things, especially things like passwords that are supposed to be weird. People have, on average, some 90 different online accounts. Would you be able to remember that many passwords that all look something like Aegh#293vgf/yG3v? I can assure you, I can not, and that's nothing to be ashamed of.

So, we need strategies to mitigate the risk, or in other words: we need to make sure it's hard for anyone to guess our passwords, while we can still access them at any time and make sure they're all unique!

The aim of this course is not only to make you aware of how vulnerable our online accounts potentially are, but also to give you the tools to fortify them. You will be able to implement changes to your own accounts and take security measures, by watching easy-to-follow videos. You will also learn about cookies and trackers.

In the next lecture, you'll learn something useful that you can start applying immediately. By knowing that the connection between your browser and the website you're visiting is secure, you are off to a good start!

So let's get going, shall we?

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* This is a reference to the movie The Matrix, in which the main character Neo is given a choice: take the blue pill and remain (blissfully?) ignorant, or take the red pill and learn the (uncomfortable?) truth. It's not really a spoiler when I tell you Neo chose the red pill.

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